Saturday, July 16, 2011

And now I remember..

Oh finally! I hit my head with reality again that you only consider me as your friend whenever you need something from me especially when it has something to do with money.

I even wonder why I still stay with you and consider you as my friend after all you've done to me, and until now it still hurts me every time I remember what you have told me about a year ago, I can never ever forget when you told me that I should stop declaring that we're close and we're friends cause we're not. 

When you told me that, I really wanted to punch you in your face in front of everyone but I hold back my anger. I hated you so much that time and until now. I think I shouldn't have forgiven you, you're back again to your attitude I really thought you have changed but no you didn't-- you're even worst now. 

I honestly dont know if I should still believe every single word you tell me and every excuses you say. I really dont know who you are now, I dont know now what happened to the person I used to call sister.

I wish one day, you'd realized how much you've hurt me and also I hope you'd realize too that I'm not the bad friend between us, but it was you.

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Bored or Depressed?

Wut? Is this like for real? I made 5 posts in one day? There must be something wrong with me and I'm pretty sure of that because I normally write when I'm either depressed or inspired. This time I'm depressed. Oh well at least this got updated. So gotta go til next update! xD


1.I’m dying to go to Paris.
2.I’ve been hit by a car and my ankle got misaligned.
3.I’m a bag-a-holic I have about 80 bags right now.
4.Certified NBSB.
5.Hopeless romantic.
6.I’m scared of being involved to relationships but I also want to  have a boyfriend.
7.I was born with Hirschsprung's disease ( go google it).
8.I have three stitches on my tummy.
9.I’m right handed but don’t know how to use fork with my right hand.
10.I have a 200-250 vision and 50 astigmatism.
11.I’m scared of rats.
12.I’m scared of blood.
13.I’m scared of heights.
14.I’m scared of bridges.
15.I talk a lot.
16.I’m hyperactive.
17.I’m a cry baby, I easily cry over scenes I watch or things being said to me.
18.I hate pink, I find it overrated.
19.I always paint my nails.
20.My shoe size is 9.
21.I love movies and I ran a movie review blog.
22.I love the smell of pentel pens.
23.I love reggae and bosa.
24.I’m always a part of Art Club but never learned how to draw.
25.I hate silence, it kills me.
26.I’m a bitch. In a good way.
27.I’m sarcastic.
28.My real name is Frances Rita, but please call me Frances
29.I literally talk to myself.
30.I only have on sibling, elder brother we rarely talk to each other but we fight almost everyday.
31.I stopped eating junk foods since I vomited blood.
32.I used to be so embarrassed of my size but when I met Amber Riley and her character Mercedes, I became comfortable with it and realized that being a plus-sized is something I shouldn’t be shy of.
33.I easily fall for sweet guys.
34.I’m sweet and love to show my care to other people.
35.I have a lot of frustrations.
36.As a kid my dream job was to become a supermodel.
37.I could always stand a fight for my friends.
38.I’m an over protected friend
39.I don’t get mad easily but once I lost my temper I throw the nearest thing to me to the person I hate. (I’m a bit violent when I get mad).
40.I don’t make promises that I can’t make it come true, And I also don't believe with it.
41.I love non-sense conversations it makes me think.
42.I love eating at Mcdo.
43.I love Mexican, Italian and Filipino foods.
44.Procrastination is one of my hobbies.
45.I'm super moody; sort of bipolar.
46.I get attracted to geek/ nerdy guys, I find it sexy whenever they stutter.
47.When I don't talk my friends worry alot and thinks there's something wrong with me.
48.Yes a childish.
49.I easily laugh even on the silliest joke
50.I love to hug my friends.
51.I dont normally send text messages or make a phone call,so when I text you like hours it means you're really especially to me.
52.I care for others more than I should care for myself.
53.I cant watch a on a movie house alone..
54.I can’t sleep without a blanket even if it’s too hot.
55.You can easily get along with me.
56.I talk really fast.
57.When I was in college, I belong to the mean girls group.
58.I learned how to swim when I was a junior in college.
59.My favorite number is 19 because: I was born on the 9th month on the nineteenth day and at 1 am so everything sums it up.
60.I love blueberry cheesecake.
61.I always cry whenever I watch My Sassy Girl and A Walk to Remember.
62.Whenever I get depressed I only eat ice cream and nothing else.
63.I love inventing my own terms and calling names to my friends.
64.I’m an occasional blogger.
65.I have a weird family tree, I have a relative who is my aunt on the father side and cousin on my mother side.
66.I could spend entire day in front of my laptop.
67.I always have colds due to my  rhinitis.
68.I’m allergic with shrimps.
69.I don’t know how to use can openers I always end up getting hurt.
70.I have an eye for fashion, but I don’t follow it.
71.I can be easily pleased.
72.I appreciate even the simplest thing said or given to me.
73.Sort of gullible.
74.A dork.
75.Queen of Klutz.
76.I never pass my math.
77.I love surprises but I no one surprised me yet.
78.I love to plan for birthday parties for my friends.
79.I used to have braces—on my back after I fell off from the stairs when I was a kid.
80.My favorite color is purple and brown.
81.I’m scared of clowns.
82.You can always count on me.
83.I can proudly say that you're lucky to have me as a friend because in a way I'm martyr, I could stay with you as long as you want me to, though you've done a lot of bad things to me.
84.Guys gets intimidated with me ‘coz according to them I’m too smart.
85.When a guy I like likes my friend I always give way.
86.I still want to be serenaded.
87.I still want to receive a love letter.
88.I cant sleep without having my headset on.
89.I am nervous if I cant stop biting my nails.
90.I’m a huge music fan and a TV series addict.
91.I once wallowed a class mate on a drum of water.
92.I’m ill-tempered and mean.
93.My guy friends calls me boss.
94.No matter how busy I am or no matter how tired I am, I always find time to go on tumblr not just to reblog but to talk with my followers friends.
95.I’m compassionate.
96.I go overboard reading signals.
97.I’m paranoid.
98.I hate people who acts like they know everything.
99.I’m working as an SEO Specialist in an Online Marketing Company.
100.I’m straight.

More about me:

I am loving, compassionate, and ruled by my feelings. I am able to be a foundation for other people but I still know how to have fun. Sometimes my emotions weigh me down, but I generally feel free from them. I am wild, crazy, and a huge rebel. I am always up to something. I have a ton of energy, and most people can't handle me. I'm very intense. I'm definitely are a handful, and I'm likely to get in trouble. But my kind of trouble is a lot of fun. I am usually the best at everything,I strive for perfection. I'm confident, authoritative, and aggressive. I am very intuitive and wise. I understand the world better than most people. I also have a very active imagination. I often get carried away with my thoughts.I am prone to a little paranoia. I sometimes go overboard in interpreting signals. I am very open. I can communicate well, and I connect with other people easily. Im a naturally creative person. Ideas just flow from my mind. I am very adaptable. I am friendly, charming, and warm.

What Happen to that Bookworm Frances?

D'oh! I already forgot the last time I read a book and the last book I've ever read. Like what happened to me was this all because of my addiction with internet? Well I cant blame any one from this, I mean internet is my comfort zone now, it makes me feel so happy being online.

But still I miss reading books-it was my life before. Like I can spend days reading a book but not anymore now, hopefully I can still find time and be able to find a book.

And oh in fact, I used to be a loner and people call me geek but what they never know is that I'm not totally a geek I just love book

I wanna bring back my addiction with books same as my addiction with internet, someday I know it'll happen. :)

Where are you my Prince Charming?

I could still remember this post but nothing happened yet its already mid-year and I'm about to turn a year older again but still I'm single, what's wrong? *pouts*-- I sounded like a desperate girl haha. :p

But yes, seriously I really wanna fall in love someday--or not someday but one of this days. Like have someone to hold my hand and to make me feel so especial and a guy who'd never get tired of saying I love you to me--a guy who would always be proud of having me as his girlfriend.

People would always tell me: Just wait, it'll come in the right time and in the right place"--what if that right time comes when I'm already old, I don't ever want that to happen I don't wanna die virgin! 

Some people would also tell me to re-asses myself, with what I really like into a relationship some would also tell me to undergo diet.--Diet really? Well most people gets attracted psychically  but not at all with me, I mean I wan't someone to love me even though I'm a plus sized. Someone like Puck from the series Glee,he was never afraid to fall in love with Mercedes and Lauren, both plus sized character. But in real life, I wonder where that guy is now?

Or maybe, I need to put down the feeling of being afraid of falling in love. Yes I'm scared of it-- I'm scared of being hurt, being betrayed and being scared of handling a relationship because I've never been to it, but I honestly want to be in it--be in a relationship and have a boyfriend.

It makes me sad and feel so alone, like right now I dont even have a fling and nobody's dating me too. I envy people who are with their special someone. I just really want to be in love but how and when. 

And until when, until when should i wait for love to struck me, where are you my prince charming? 

Long Distance Friendship

I have never imagined that I'll find a real friend online. Yeah, this sounded a bit creepy for some but its actually not-- its so much fun! It's much fun than having a real life friends. Well let me explain how our wonderful friendship begun.

I've been using tumblr for almost a year now and my tumblr account is not like the usual, what I mean by this is its where I show how much I fan girl towards a celebrity or a show where no one tell me to calm down, and its like living in a different life, away from reality, work, stress, pain and hatred and so on.

At around the month of March of this year I got a new follower, a gleek like me. I really got curious with her like I had the itchiness of talking to her. Then I followed her back and do the usual thing I do when I gain a follower-- go to their ask box and thank them. 

When I went to her blog, I couldnt find her ask box and I was like: "how can I thank her, how can I befriend her?" *sigh*. I waited for couple of days or maybe weeks hoping she'll change her theme. But nothing happens, so then I decided to post something on my own tumblr saying: "@imquinnfabray am I the only one who can't find your ask box or you really don't have one? please reply to this post if you see this." An hour after posting that, nothing happened.

Then came March 31st, I intentionally went to her blog again. Hoping and wishing she changes her theme, a theme with an askbox and alas! there it goes, there goes her ask box. And I'm not gonna lie I was really happy like a kid when I saw it like giddy happy! 

At first, I was kinda hesitant to send her a message thinking what if she ignores and doesnt answer my message? But whatever-- I still did, I still sent her a message. I waited for a couple of minutes for her to answer then she did!

And it was like almost everyday we talk to each other and its really fun. In fact, I can no longer stand a day without talking to her, it's like she's part of my daily routine and I really get moody whenever we dont talk'

I honestly never did imagined we'd be this close-best friends online, where in fact I dont normally stick to someone from internet-- especially now, now with our situation she's from Florida and I'm from Philippines. But I did, I did sticked to it. And there's nothing to regret about this friendship.

Months have past (3months to be exact) and we still have our friendship, and I could say its getting stronger each day. And to be honest, I'm way happier with the friendship we have rather than my real life friends, I mean I can be open to her I can tell her things I can't tell my friends.

I can fan girl with her and I can be pervert to her without thinking of how she will react because we're the same. In other words, I can show her my other crazy side without limitations, no need to pretend or whatsoever, we can be as uhhsome and uhhmazing the way we wanted to be and let people be jealous of us!

She's a total blessing to me, a person who give's me total happiness a real friend more than those friends I have in real life, we consider each other as "wifeys" and she makes my life a little less tiring just by talking to her, and I love how we simply understand each other but there's only one thing I dont like, we live in different countries.

Yes I have to admit there are alot of times the I hope she's right here next to me or she lives right across the 
street but no we're ten-thousand miles apart, there are times that we just wanted to hug each other but we can't because of this stupid distance, how I wish I can move Philippines to Florida or vice verse. 

But, I'm not gonna lose hope because I know in the right time and in the right place God will allow us to meet, God is in our friendship and I think anything is possible-- and I would love to look forward someday of meeting her, and I think I should also save money so I can visit her country or whatever. I really wish it would happen.

It's funny though that sometimes, I imagine how it's gonna be when we met, would we ever talk to each other right away without having the feeling of being shy and unease, would we ever joke to each other the way we fool around in our conversations on MSN? I really do hope so. ;)

This is a friendship I would forever treasure. A friendship I will take with me on my grave.

So, Alice-- you'd always be my "wifey", little sister.-- I love you. 

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Its been awhile..again.

Ugh. Again I've been to lazy updating this blog as well as my movie review blog. I guess its been a month since I have updated this blogs though Im on the internet for several hours everyday, I dunno, maybe its because I don't have much to say or write or maybe its also because I spend too much time on my tumblr which is actually fun.

So yeah, I'm talking non sense staffs again here, but atleast I got this updated.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

You’re the one for me, Rachel Berry.

Rachel: What are you doing here Noah?
Puck: I just need to tell you something.
Rachel: You cant just barge in here anytime you wanted to.
Puck: I know. But I really need to tell you this now.
Rachel: What is it?
Puck started scratching his mohawk and wonder how to tell Rachel what he really feels about the girl.
Puck: Look, I know I’ve been such a badass to you, I’ve been tossing slushies on your face.
Rachel: Grape Slushie.
Rachel interrupted with a smile.
Puck: Yeah, its your favorite flavor.
Rachel covered her mouth to avoid from snorting and asked
Rachel: How did you know?
Puck: ‘Coz you licked your face after I tossed it.
Puck: Babe, you gotta listen to what I’m trying to say here
Rachel: Go on.
Puck: As I was saying, I know I’ve been such a badass to you but I came to realize that I’m so sorry for what I have done and I love you I do.. You’re the one for me Rachel Berry, You’re the one for me.
Rachel: I-I dont know what to say Noah.
Puck: You dont have to answer me now, I just needed you to know.

Saturday, April 30, 2011


A few years ago
Days gone by
The year nineteen eighty six
A beautiful lady to community;
A loving sister to her sibling
An obedient child to her parents
A loving friend
An actress,singer
Was born.
Your flawless glow;
Firm and fairness,
Quest for upholding uprightness
Is enormously commended..
God has blessed our lives for having a someone like you
May you continue to shine and be blessed with what you deserve in life
May the brilliance of the Lord persist to guide your way.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Urgh. I havent been updating my Movie Review blog!

What's going on with me? Why havent I posted new movie review lately? I think that last one that I wrote was You Again and I posted it last March 13. And yeah I guess I'm being stubborn again in watching movies. But-but I still wanted to continue that blog. I just want to watch Red Ridding Hood and Sucker Punch in wide screen and not downloaded or pirated DVD.

I really need to find time to watch, perhaps this weekend? Since my weekend is back. But I still need to check out some "old" but not too old movies, besides I remember I haven't written a review yet for My Sassy Girl. Yes! that's it. That's a good idea I'll make a review for My Sassy Girl. Silly me. :D

Friday, April 1, 2011

my favorite line from the movie EASY A.

Whatever happened to chivalry? Does it only exist in 80’s movies? I want John Cusack holding a boombox outside my window. I wanna ride off on a lawnmower with Patrick Dempsey. I want Jake from Sixteen Candles waiting outside the church for me. I want Judd Nelson thrusting his fist into the air because he knows he got me. Just once, I want my life to be like an 80’s movie, preferably one with a really awesome musical number for no apparent reason. But, no. No. John Hughes did not direct my life.

olive-penderghast,EASY A.

Thursday, March 31, 2011

today i learned how to make a gif..

Everyday, as I open my tumblr account I always see this beautiful gifs coming from movies or tv series made by the people i follow. And yeah I'd be honest I really envy them for that. I really wanted to learn how to make one even those photoshopped pictures,as far as I can remember editing was a major part of what I studied when I was in college..

Anyways.. So yeah I started searching for a software which I can use for editing aside from photoshop, then I came to me Photoscape. It's really fun using it though I'm still learning everything about it. So early this afternoon since I was so bored at home, I finally decided to make a couple of gifs. I experimented the with the photos I have on my files and well yeah its easy to make one.

I can't say that my gifs were quality but it was really an achievement for me to learn how to make one and I was like a 7 year-old kid who was so happy seeing the outcome of the gifs I made.

My next step is to download toycamera software for photo-editing.

I think I can't download Adobe Photoshop since I'm only using a notebook and its memory's a bit low but never mind I'll just enjoy the software that I can use for now.

Monday, March 28, 2011

1st Month

Relax everyone, i'm not talking about relationship here, I'm talking about my 1`st month on my new job. It marks today. So yeah, my 2months of unemployment was over and now I'm working again. I must say that until now, I'm on my adjusting period. I still don't have close friends here, often times I feel like I'm a stranger in this company but its okay.

By the way I work as an SEO( search engine optimization) Specialist and I spend most of my time  online, so I always have fun working though it's kinda stressful coz there are time that we work 10 hours on weekdays and works on Saturday-Sunday: TOXICATED MUCH=STRESSED ZOMBIE.

Oh well I'm getting used to it. :D

Sunday, March 27, 2011

the dark side

They say that everything has two sides. It’s either positive or negative. The moon, for instance has another side-the dark side, we say-that we cannot see from here. The only way to be able to see it is to go and explore the depths of space.
I, myself has two sides. Just like the moon, I have the side which shows what people like to see-happiness. And once in a while, I would like to hide and be alone when I can’t take it anymore. Just like the new moon. And just like the moon, I have my darker side. The side wheremisery prevails. The side where fear and anger rises up. But beneath this other façade, I try to hide myself in a mask of smiles and laughter.
But there are people who misunderstand the reason I hide. It’s because I’m weak. Weaker than anyone can think of. I’m afraid. I’minsecure. Not from anyone but myself. I’m afraid that I will not be accepted. I don’t have the confidence that would help me struggle with life. And lastly, I’m afraid to get hurt. I try to be strong though I’m not. I know I’ve got a lot to learn and I’m not even perfect.
PERFECTION. Arrrgh. I detest this word. I mean, NO ONE is perfect. So why in the world are people struggling to be one? I’mimperfect and I’m proud of it. I have flaws that make me who I am. Imagine a world where everybody is the same and with just one tiny flaw, you would recognize who I am. I mean, with a world wherein everyone is perfect, no one would actually be.
I have flaws. And with these, I make my own mistake. I know that I am not all-that. I make mistakes and I struggle to correct them. So to those people who do not understand me and give me your so-called compliments, try to look at your own selves. You say you hate me ‘coz you don’t like my attitude and I should change. In telling me these things, aren’t you making your own mistakes like talking behind my back? And why the hell will I change for you? I don’t even like you guys. There.Ha-ha. I would change for myself. It would be my choice. Mine. Not yours.
I have life, well, minus the love. I get them as little as possible. Every one has a prince charming. Well, boo-hoo. He’s so stupid he got lost. Or maybe I’m in a very secluded part of the world that he can’t find it. Or maybe he doesn’t know where it is. [I’m here!]
But still, when everything seems to stop at a dead end, everything goes to the wrong way and I feel as if I’m being swallowed by darkness, I see a patch of light in front of me. I try to follow it and I see hands. Lots of them. The people who owned these hands and brought me out of the darkness were the ones who really cared. And as tears fall down my face, I remember the memories that I tried to lock up inside a box and stuff it somewhere inside my brain. And as I tried to pry it open, it came to my surprise that there wasn’t any lock. I then saw the times when we were laughing about the simple things in life like Paumispronouncing fortune cookie and said cortune fookie instead, Jean saying erasement. I realize, deep inside me, that there are still little pleasures in life that I overlooked in my greedy quest for happiness.
Because even though boys cheatfriends stabpeople hate, dieothers even lie, and memories fadelife goes on in every little way possible.
Though occasionally, I get sad and be depressed, I also get the real happiness I want, the real smiles that suddenly illuminate my face-just like the full moon.

stolen glances.

stolen glances.
i bet you never even noticed.
or at least you PRETENDED not to.
kept walking past you.
i bet you NEVER even saw me.
or that's just because you never even looked my way.
kept following you.
i bet you NEVER even knew.
or that's just because you NEVER even turned around.
all i need is a hint of RECOGNITION.
to know that I EXIST.
well, at least in YOUR WORLD.

what's next for therese and marcus'story?

I'm such a DORK mangarap ba naman akong maging isang manunulat at magsulat nang sarili kong libro hehehe..If I could remember I started to write myUNFINISHED.UNTITLED book when I was in??3rd year college haha..Nung petsa na ba ngaun?Am working n di ko parin tapos..Anywho the synopsis of the book that Im writing ay tungkol sa dalawang taong may magkaibang mundo..Oo na normal ang ganitong story eh bakit ba!?Ako ang AUTHOR ay mamali NANGANGARAP maging AUTHOR..By the way the characters name are Marcus Penn a teenage-cager-heartrob-jaw-dropping guy in fact his everything a girl wants to have..(blah!)Yun nga lang as the saying goes nobody's perfect ang problem with Marcus is his attitude mayabang headache sa mga teacher bagsak madalas sa history class nya..Kaya aun he needs to be tutored.
Geek.Bookworm.Thick eyeglasses.Tutor. thats how Therese Stevens being described.Dahil sa isang tutor si Therese sya yung naassign to tutor Marcus and its how they met.Syempre its natural for them to clash haha..
Pero as the story goes..By the way Im writing the 5th chapter na..Hindi pa tapos yung 5th chapter cguro 3pages palang yung chapter 5 hahaha..Marcus fell in love with Therese kaya his question with  Therese "IF I EVER TELL YOU THAT I LOVE YOU WILL YOU LOVE ME BACK?"
Anyways what would happen next to their story?Well di ko rin alam hahaha wala pa akong powers havent even set my mind to the next scenes..In short medyo wala pa ako sa mood magsulat hahaha..
Malamang sa pagtanda ko pa matapos yung BOOK..
Abangan nyo nalang kung gusto nyo..Who knows it'll get published...HOPEFULLY..hahahaha..


I WANT A GUY  who would move the hair away from my eyes and then kiss me..hold my hand in line at the mall and make all the girls jealous..I WANT A GUY who would sing to me at random moments ..I WANT A GUY who would let me sleep on his chest..I WANT A GUY who would get mad when someone would call me ugly or if someone was mean to me..I WANT A GUY who would call me 3 times a day if he went away..someone who would make fun of me just to make me laugh..he would take me to the park put his arms around my waist and give me a big bear hug all the time..he would be proud of me whenever he talks bout me round his friends..I WANT A GUY who never be afraid to say "i love you" in front of his friends..I WANT A GUY who would give me a lifesized teddy bear and a boquet of roses and wrote me a love letter..I WANT A GUY who would help me make the dinner and watch movies together under the same blanket...i want a guy who would make me laugh when no one else could make me laugh..mostly I WANT A GUY who would be my bestfriend and WONT BREAK MY HEART...


  • Make weird faces.

  • Say “Aww”.

  • Ask how your day was.

  • Don’t care about their appearance.

  • Play with their younger siblings

  • Dance ridiculously.

  • Lick their lips.

  • Get frustrated.

  • Laugh.

  • Sings to you, even if they're out of tune.

  • Bite their lower lip.

  • Make that sexy half smirk.

  • Have proper grammar.

  • Are funny.

  • Teases me a little.

  • Hug me from behind.

  • Kiss me on the forehead.

  • Watch cute movies with me.

  • Tell me they love me in front of their friends. 

  • Says i love you in the middle of fights.
  • face the truth

    why do we love ba? 

    so we can have somebody to talk to? 

    someone who can be there pag gusto natin gumala? 

    a person na pwedeng manlibre satin? 

    taong magbibitbit ng gamit mo? ALALAY for short! 

    eh pano kung di ka nya mahal? would you still love him/her? 
    would you still continue to care for that person? 

    bakit naman hinde? you didnt love that person para magkaroon ka ng alalay, magkaroon ka ng instant meal dahil libre, taong gagawa ng assignments mo or projects, or taong mahihila mo if you want to go out... if thats what you think about love well sorry ang BABAW mo! 

    loving a person doesn't need to have a criteria na dapat maganda o guwapo, dapat mabait or understanding, kasi once you fall inlove you take the risk of accepting dat person kahit maingay sya matulog, yung hilik ng hilik .. kahit matakaw sya o sobrang fat na hindi kayo kasya pag puno ang jeep! kahit sobrang moody nya na kulang na lang ay sapakin mo sa inis! yung sobrang selosa/seloso na pati barkada pinagseselosan.. 

    badtrip diba? and yung napaka-arte OA kung baga! o kahit ano pang things that would turn you off... 
    hirap tlaga magmahal trying to be PERFECT kase ...gusto mong magtagal pero hindi yun ang sagot sa lahat... ACCEPTING the real person fully .. kase if you said na mahal mo sya you dont need to find answers kung bakit mo sya mahal... 

    kase lahat ng tao nagbabago but if you accept 
    that person magbago man sya in the middle of your relationship hindi ka masasaktan kase you know that darating 
    din yun.. tsaka tanggap mo sya ng buo... mahirap gawin pero masarap subukan dahil wala ng sasaya pa if you let one person feel na MAHAL NA MAHAL mo sya without asking 4 anything in return... then you can say wow un pla ang LOVE! 

    Nakakatawa talaga ang love. Isa siyang napakalaking oxymoron. Lahat ng pwede mong masabi sa kanya, baliktarin mo at totoo pa rin. Ang labo diba? Pero ang linaw. Masaya magmahal. Malungkot magmahal. Di mo 
    naiintindihan pero naiintindihan mo. Walang rason. Maraming rason. Di mo na kaya, pero kaya mo pa rin. Masakit magmahal. Pero okey lang. Sus, ano ba talaga?! Damn Damn May kaibigan ako, sabi niya dati "Love is only for stupid people." Nakakatawa kasi laude ang standing niya, pero dumating ang panahon, na-in-love din ang hunghang. At ayun, tanga na siya ngayon. Lahat kasi ng nahahawakan ng love nagiging oxymoron din. O kaya paminsan, nagiging moron lang. Hindi lang kasi basta baliktaran ang pag-ibig. Lahat ng bagay nababaligtad din niya. Lahat ng malalakas na tao, 
    humihina. Ang mayayabang, nagpapakumbaba. Ang mga walang pakialam, nagiging Mother Teresa. Ang mga henyo, nauubusan ng sagot. Ang malulungkot, sumasaya. Nakakatawa talaga. Lalo na kapag dumadating siya sa mga taong ayaw na talaga magmahal. Napansin ko nga eh. Parang kung gusto mo lang ma-in-love ulit, sabihin mo lang ang magic words na "Ayoko na ma-inlove!" biglang WACHA! Ayan na siya.Nang-aasar. Magpapaasar ka naman. 

    Di ba nakakatawa rin na pagdating sa problema ng ibang tao, ang galing galing mo? Pero 'pag problema mo na yung pinag-uusapan parang nawawalan ng saysay lahat ng ipinayo mo dun sa namomroblemang tao? Naiisip mong wala namang mali dun sa mga sinabi mo. Pero bakit parang wala ring tama? Bali-baliktad din ang nasasabi ng mga taong tinamaan ng madugong pana ng pag-ibig. "Ngayon ko lang nalaman ganito pala. Sabi ko na eh!" "Ang sarap mabuhay. Pwede na 'ko mamatay. Now na!" At hindi lang 'yon. 

    Ang sarap din pagtawanan ng mga taong alam naman nilang masasaktan lang sila eh magpapatihulog pa rin sa bangin ng pag-ibig. Tapos 'pag luray-luray na yung puso nila, siyempre hindi sila yung may kasalanan. Siya! "Bakit niya 'ko sinaktan?" May kasama pang pagsuntok sa pader yon, at pagbabagsak ng pinto. 

    Hayop talaga. 
    Mauubos ang buong magdamag ko kakasabi ng mga bagay na nakakatawa 'pag pag-ibig na ang pinag-usapan. Ang daming beses ko na kasi siya nakasalubong kaya masasabi ko nang eksperto na 'ko. 
    Pero wala pa rin akong alam. Pero ang pinakanakakatawa sa lahat ay ang katotohanang kapag gusto magpatawa ng pag-ibig, ipusta na mo na lahat ng ari-arian mo dahil siguradong ikaw ang punchline. 

    Nakakatawa no? 


    To every girl....if you almost cry while reading this, it includes you.... 

    To every girl that is SCARED to put her heart 
    out there again, because she has been HURT 
    too many times or so badly. 

    To every girl that 
    dresses cute, not skanky. 

    To every girl who 
    wants to be called beautiful, not hot. 

    To every girl that will spend her whole day 
    looking for the perfect present for you. 

    To every girl who gets her heart 
    broken, because he chose that other girl instead 

    To every girl that would die 
    to have a decent boyfriend. 

    To every girl who would just once like 
    to be treated like a princess. 

    To every girl that cries at night 
    because of another heartbreak. 

    To every girl that 
    just wants to hold hands. 

    To every girl that 
    kisses him with meaning. 

    To every girl who 
    just wishes he cared more. 

    To every girl who would just once want a guy to give 
    their jacket up when they are cold. 

    To every girl who 
    just wants him to call. 

    To every girl who lies 
    awake at night thinking about him. 

    To every girl that 
    just wants to cuddle. 

    To every girl that 
    just wants to sleep with him without having sex. 

    To every girl who shows how much 
    she cares and gets nothing back. 

    To every girl that thought 
    'maybe this one could be the one'. 

    To every girl that laughs at stupid stuff 
    when she actually doesn't think it is funny. 

    To every girl who is just looking for that one 
    and only and is having a rough time along the way. 

    To every girl that doesn't want a guy who 
    just plays with her emotions but actually cares 
    about how she feels. 

    To every girl who wants 
    words backed up with actions. 

    To every girl that fell for all the lies 
    only to find themselves alone in the end. 

    To every girl that gave her heart away 
    to have it shoved back in her face. 

    To every girl that has faith that 'tomorrow will be a better day